Friday, August 09, 2013

Eid Mubarak


Monday, July 08, 2013

Ramadan Mubarak

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Science Has Built Luke Skywalker's Robotic Hand

Amputees may one day regain actual feeling thanks to Darpa and researchers at Case Western University who have created what we thought was once only possible in science fiction. As a part of DARPA's Reliable Neural-Interface Technology (RE-NET) program, CWRU's flat interface nerve electrode (FINE) system has demonstrated that it can provide enough sensation to each individual finger to give amputees the ability to feel their way around, just like Luke Skywalker.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Alif the unseen book review

ALIF THE UNSEEN by G.Willow Wilson In an unnamed emirate a young hacker takes on a corrupt government. Mix in Jinn and a love story and we have a fantastic book. Highly recommend this.

Monday, June 03, 2013

virtual sin

So if my character in World of WARCRAFT eats pork have I commuted a sin?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Book Review

The Mirage
By Matt Ruff

Set in an alternate universe during the summer of 2009, Arab Homeland Security agent Mustafa al Baghdadi is plunged into an international conspiracy involving Saddam Hussein a gangster who is the head of the Iraqi Mafia; Osama Bin Laden who heads Al-qaeda an elite security agency, and the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee when a captured suicide bomber claims that the world in which they live is a mirage. 

A great fun read.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day

 The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai).

 A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, Muslim).

 Abu Usaid Saidi said: We were once sitting with Rasulullah when a man from the tribe of Salmah came and said to him: O Messenger of Allah! do my parents have rights over me even after they have died? And Rasulullah said: Yes. You must pray to Allah to bless them with His Forgiveness and Mercy, fulfill the promises they made to anyone, and respect their relations and their friends (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

 It is narrated by Asma bint Abu Bakr that during the treaty of Hudaibiyah, her mother, who was then pagan, came to see her from Makkah. Asma informed the Messenger of Allah of her arrival and also that she needed help. He said: Be good to your mother (Bukhari, Muslim).

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bismi Allah Al Rahman Al Raheem

Bismi Allah Al Rahman Al Raheem Ya Al-Hamid bi Haqq Muhammad [s], Ya Al-Ala bi Haqq Ali [s], Ya Al Khaliq bi Haqq Fatima Zahra [as], Ya Al Rahman bi Haqq Imam Hasan, Ya al Raheem bi Haqq Imam Hussein [as].

Monday, April 22, 2013

Vladimir Putin Says Manned Russian Spaceport Launch in 2018

The more countries get involved in space exploration, the better! Russia was there at the beginning when they launched the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin, in 1961. Now Russian President Vladimir Putin has told astronauts on the International Space Station that the first manned spaceflight launch from Russia’s new Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport  will take place sometime in 2018.
According to Reuters, the Vostochny Cosmodrome will help the Russians get back to being a pioneer in space exploration, with planned missions to the moon and deep space. The spaceport will be available to Russia’s International Space Station partner nations in Europe and North America, but Putin hopes that the Cosmodrome will help Russia catch up to the other major space exploration players. Putin says:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani

The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani

The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani is an exploration class star ship. It is equipped with it it's own worm drive. It carries four type 7-G heavy shuttles and two type 3-F light shuttles. It has two rail guns and six missile tubes for ships defense.

The medical bay has eight burn beds and fortytwo Meditech beds, as well as an isolation ward with 8 Meditech beds. They have top notch science labs, Chemistry, xeno-biology, xeno-botany, geology and physics. Six large repair bays allow for the repair and manufacture of any and all needed equipment. The 

C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani   
Length of 645 meters and a  displacements of over 200,000 long 
tons. The ships' companies can number up to 3,200. The C.S.S 
Fodhil al-Warthilani was built at the Parameswara ship yards in the 
New Malaysia star system.  The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani was 
built for the purpose of exploration.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The first of those who will enter Paradise are the people who do acts of kindness." (Fiqh-us-Sunnah)

Quran, 90:12-17

"What will explain to you the path that is steep? It is the freeing of a (slave) from bondage, or the giving of food in a day of famine to an orphan relative or to a needy (stranger) in distress, and to be of those who believe, enjoin patience (in adversity) and encourage deeds of kindness and compassion." Quran, 90:12-17

Friday, April 12, 2013

Yuri Gagarin: First Man in Space

Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space on April 12, 1961April 12 was already a huge day in space history twenty years before the launch of the first shuttle mission. On that day in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (left, on the way to the launch pad) became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. Newspapers like The Huntsville Times (right) trumpeted Gagarin's accomplishment.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Hadith of the Day: Moderation in All Things
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once asked a companion: "(Is it true) that you fast all day and stand in prayer all night?" The companion replied that the report was indeed true. The Prophet then said: "Do not do that! Observe the fast sometimes and also leave (it) at other times; stand up for prayer at night and also sleep at night. Your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right over you and your wife has a right over you." Sahih Al-Bukhari

Sunday, April 07, 2013

The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani

The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani   
Length of 645 meters and a  displacements of over 200,000 long tons. The ships' companies can number up to 3,200.

  The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani was built at the Parameswara ship yards in the New Malaysia star system.
   The C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani was built for the purpose of exploration.

Friday, March 29, 2013


"Are there rewards for doing good to quadrupeds, and givng them water to drink?" Muhammad said, "Verily there are heavenly rewards for any act of kindness to a live animal."

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


O people who take pleasure in a life that will vanish, falling in love with a fading shadow is sheer stupidity.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Numidia Isle of Tamazight

The Following pictures were taken by the first science survey of the planet New Numidia of the isle of Tamazight. The Isla of Tamazight is 843,530 Sq. km, the tallest mountain is Mt. Taqbaylit with an elevation of 4,295 m. The largest river system is the Kabyle with a length of 1,343 km.
 The Isla of Tamazight has over 700 large species of fungi identified, The Southern part of the Isle has large fungi forests.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Truthfulness is composed of justice and courage.

Ibn Hazm

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Numidia Narurouch (zoology)

The following pencil drawings were done by Dr. Ibn al-Jazzar Phd. ( Phd.s in Xenobiology and Biochemistry) the second in command of the science team of the C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani , during the first planetary survey of New Numidia prime.
The Naurouch stands on legs that are 10 meters tall. It is a herbivore that lives  solitarly or in mated pairs. It has a life span of 130 standard years. The females lay 20-30 eggs most of which never make it to adulthood. It takes 20 years to reach full size.It lives in the forests in the northern climes of New Numidia

Monday, March 11, 2013

Noor Glasses

Noor Glasses Very interesting concept expect to see them for sale within ten years.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Sadi Shirazi

If a gem falls into mud it is still valuable. If dust ascends to heaven, it reamains valueless.

Sadi Shirazi

Thursday, March 07, 2013

New Numidia Prime Zoological survey

The following pencil drawings were done by Dr. Ibn al-Jazzar Phd. ( Phd.s in Xenobiology and Biochemistry)  the second in command of the science team of the  C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani , during the first planetary survey of  New Numidia prime.

 The Gitriza is a large herbivore  It stands 5–6 m and has an average weight of 1,600 kg .

The Gitriza is capable of short bursts of speed upwards to 120 Kph. They travel in herds of 20 to 30.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


My comments are just filled with spam. I can remember when it was filled with hate messages. AT least the people who wrote the hats messages actually read some of my posts. I miss that.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Terragen 2

Learning ho to use Terragen 2. terragen was very easy to use very simple and powerful. Terragen 2 is increadibly complicated but more powerful. still not sure in the more complicated to more powerful ratio is worth it yet.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Imam Sufyan ath-Thawri

Keep yourself busy in remembering your faults so that you have no time left to remember the faults of OTHERS
Imam Sufyan ath-Thawri (Rahimahullah)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Malcolm X

My alma mater was books, a good library... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.

Malcolm X

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

First Probe Pictures of New Numidia Prime

First pictures taken of the New Numidia prime surface by the probes launched by the C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani
Pictures taken of the Zidane Peninsula

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Malcolm X

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

Malcolm X

Monday, February 25, 2013

New Numidia Prime

New Numidia Prime

Distance From Primary: 5.310 AU 794364693.36921 KM

Mass: 1.048 Earth Masses 6.262848e+24 KG

Equatorial Radius: 1.352 ER 17246.54464 KM

Mean surface temp: 12C

Min. Temp. -91.4C

Max Temp. 54.8C

Surface Pressure 103.076 KPA

Day Length 26 hours 11 minutes

Year Length 7123 days

Mean Density 5.494 g/cm


Nitrogen 73%

Oxygen 23%

Argon 2%

Other 2%

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Malcolm X

Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world
Malcolm X

Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Numidia Star System

New Numidia
Stellar Characteristics
Stellar Luminosity: 2.00 (Sol = 1.00)
Stellar Mass:1.43
Age:1.477 billion years
(8.523 billion left on main sequence)
Habitable Ecosphere Radius: 2.000AU

Friday, February 22, 2013


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, encouraged us to give in charity and he forbade us from mutilation.

Sunan Abu Dawud, Number 2667, Sahih

Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Numidia

New Numidia is the most recently discovered Terrestrial planet by the Exploration corp. Currently there are 25 different teams employed at 22 different study sites on the planet. These were the intial
pictures taken by the C.S.S. Fodhil al-Warthilani. The ship which discovered the New Numidia system.

 The Above picture taken of the south polar continent.

One of the close pictures taken while the C.S.S Fodhil al-Warthilani looked for an intial landing zone.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Join me in the pure atmosphere of gratitude
For life. - Hafiz

Monday, February 18, 2013

Islamic Confederation Prefab Science station

This is a diagram of the standard Islamic confederation Prefab Science station, used by the space navy's exploration corp. and several private exploration corporations.

Make note of air locks on either side of the building. The first floor is all science labs and the kitchen dining area. while the second floor is barracks. Tens of thousands of these have been manufactured and thousands of them are in use at anyone time. Often settlers will move into them after the initial survey of a planet is over, converting the first floor into work areas.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Meteorite - not the end of the world - strikes Russia's Siberia

This is to good to pass up

A bus-sized meteor exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains, sparking speculation about everything from a missile attack to the end of the world. The shock waves smashed windows and damaged buildings.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Give aways

Lots of businesses do give a ways and have probably have since we had the first businesses, free rock with purchase of two spears. Everything from  buy two to get one free. They give a way shirts, cups and even Frisbees. It is something of a stereotype in the United States that the bank will give you a toaster when you open an account.

Kids meals in the USA have everything from toys to games and small books. Now they also have computer games in them.

Starbucks gives away songs, computer games, Television episodes and books. None of which you would have seen 25 years ago, not from a coffee shop.  And just 50 years ago some of that would have been unthinkable. I can only imagine what the give a way will be in another 25 years.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Saadi of Shiraz

Deep in the sea there are riches beyond your imagination.
But if you seek safety, that is at the shore.
Saadi of Shiraz

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Machine Muslims

Machine Muslims

The command room was brightly lit, hundreds of men and women in the crisp clean uniforms of the American Army, Navy and Marine Corps sat in front of flickering computer consoles. General Waterman and Admiral Aebisher both stood at the back of the room in overly starched uniforms of their respected arms of the armed forces, Army and Navy.

“Admiral Aebisher we have incoming anti-ship missiles, a lot of them sir.” said the hazel eyed African-American Marine Corp Sargent in a deep baritone voice.

A look of irritation flashed across the Admiral's face, a face which with it's bushy eyebrows and olive complexion would look right at home in the Admiral's grandfather's native Greece.

“ They traded a lot of oil for weapons with the Chinese and the Chinese want to see how their weapons match up against ours,” muttered the Admiral. The Admiral knew that the new state of the art drones flying over the battlefield would quickly locate the missile launch sites and destroy them, but if any of the Chinese anti-ship missiles got through their defenses that would be to little to late for the ships destroyed. The congress would howl about the cost of every American warship lost.

General Bijan Ali, the youngest person to have ever reached that high rank in the modern Iranian military, watched as the Chinese made Qiang III anti-ship missiles flew the American fleet. He knew that they had to few of the Chinese made missiles to hit every ship and with American military counter measures he would be lucky if one in ten missiles actually hit. The ground shook for a moment, dust falling on him and getting his already very rumpled uniform, as he had been sleeping in it for two days, quite dusty. General Bijan knew right away that these were less likely attacks against his command bunker and more likely pin point accurate American drone airstrikes against the nearby missile launch sites. He snorted with mirth and thought fine destroy them, we have already launched all our missiles.

General Bijan smiled as he followed the computer read out of anti-ship missiles and saw that indeed one in ten missiles had in fact find their targets and as they had launched all of the 400
Qiang III that they had forty had gotten through the anti-missile defenses and twenty-three warships were sitting at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.. Two of them were aircraft carriers their drones forced to land on the surviving carriers or ditch into the sea. Three of the Amphibious landing ships were destroyed, along with the the battle tanks and other weapon systems that they were carrying.
“Mashallah”, said general Bijan to his aide clapping him on the back, “bless those clever Chinese engineers. We struck them hard , the Americans will not forget today.”

“Alhamdulah, no sir they won't.”replied the young aide his boyish face becoming increasingly worried looking, “but we must move now sir, their tanks have already broken through the beach minefields and are pushing through towards this position.”

“Red dog three what are you doing?” shouted a worried Captain Slade Cutter sweat dripping down his face getting into his grey/blue eyes, big drops beading on his nose and dropping onto his shirt. As red dog one Captain Cutter was the commander and only human in Red Dog platoon, which was made up of five robotic tanks including his command tank.

He knew that Red dog two was sitting a kilometer behind him, most likely still burning brightly on the beach. Captain Cutter could see Red Dog Four and five as they fired their 50 caliber machine guns at an Iranian sniper, who was under the mistaken impression that his AK-47 was going to have some effect on the robotic tanks.
Red Dog three then emerged from around a corner three streets behind Captain Cutter, slowly picking it's way through the rubble strewn avenue. Captain Cutter observed that the multi-antenna array had been destroyed, as it looked like fire damage Captain Cutter could only assume that a well placed Molotov cocktail had hit it and that Red Dog three's fire extinguisher system had malfunctioned. Devoid of input Red Dog three's A.I. Was simply processing forward to their objective hill 882.

Red Dog Three came down the street it recognized the other members of it's platoon, but it's A.I. Could not fathom why they had stopped. It had stopped after a malfunctioning extinguisher system had allowed it's antenna array to be destroyed, trying to pick up red dog one's signal. Failing to do so The AI decided decided that it should continue forward to the platoon's objective hill 882.
After passing the other members of it's unit Red dog three continued to snake its way through the town's streets ignoring the occasional burst of assault rifle fire aimed it's way. It was only when an Iranian army jeep pulled in front of it and one of the vehicle's occupants stood up and fired an RPG round at red dog three, that Red dog three's anti-RPG defense system destroyed it , did it fire it's main gun destroying the Iranian vehicle and killing all on board. Red dog three maneuvered around the burning wreck and pressed forward leading the way for it's platoon towards hill 882.

Colonel Nakhjevan, a middle aged Iranian officer who felt he had aged ten years in the last few brutal weeks, studied the incoming combat reports through his wired rimmed glasses the left lens was cracked from a recent rocket attack, and realized that while the anti-personnel booby traps and snipers were indeed inflicting casualties on the American infantry, that they were having little to no effect on the large number of robotic combat machines that operated with the American infantry. Even more depressing, Colonel Nakhjevan noted, was the fact that the Iranian RPGs were proving ineffective against the American tanks. In fact once pass the Anti-tank mine fields on the beaches the only American tanks destroyed had been hit by anti-tank mortar rounds and they were out of those. Of course this did show that the anti-RPG defense systems the American tanks were using had a hole in the top of it. Colonel Nakhjevan only hoped that his weapons engineers could exploit this defect effectively.

After the disastrous battle of Kerman the American people were upset at the large number of American soldiers who were killed and the president told the pentagon less people and more machines. Hardware and software updates were ordered and carried out. The hole in the anti-RPG shield was acknowledge after a lot of finger pointing and fixed. Also all units received UAVs to provide individual air cover, with those changes made the battle cry of “onwards to Tehran” was taken up and the American military forces pressed northward.

General Firouzabadi, his potbelly straining the black buttons on his soup stained shirt, looked at the map on the wall of his command bunkers with the death of the much beloved General Bijan Ali at the battle of Kerman, he had been put in charge of Tehran's defenses. The American forces were waltzing northward facing little resistance as the Iranian military had over committed Kerman. The Iranian commandos were having some success ambushing the American supply convoys which was slowing the American offensive and from the fussing and whining American congressman he watched on CNN greatly increasing the cost of the war for the Americans.

Four months after forcing the American military to fight house to house in the battle of Tehran General Firouzabadi kept up a low level guerrilla campaign which had just scored it's greatest success, the infiltration of an American military base and the destruction of seven A-12 Thunderbolts IVs. Firouzabadi sipped mint tea a grin across his face his latest safe house a wall hanging with the ninety-nine names of Allah hung over the flat screen TV that he watched intensely. CNN International showed the American congress yelling about the cost of the Iranian occupation and the manipulation of the stock market manipulation by Silverman and Sacks. As Firouzabadi finished off another cup of the mint tea and turned off the TV. He wondered if the twenty-three Bartlet 50' Caliber semi-automatic sniper rifles he had coming from American would be in Tehran by the end of the week.

Sargent Milo Jovovich hot,tired and dirty, was in his fourteenth month of occupation of Tehran duty and looked at his new unit and was not happy. 20 bipedal humiform combat bots, 10 quadruped combat bots and 10 small tracked combat bots. A ten year army veteran and he had never thought that it would come to this. He would quit but what kind of job could he get in this economy, with fourteen years in he knew 6 more years and I can retire. Sargent Jovovich turned and saluted the Lieutenant, who walked in looking as if he had just come from taking a shower, and said with a lot of irony in his voice and through gritted teeth,”Your men sir.”

Lt. Howard Baskerville had a wiry build pale blue eyes and his close cropped hair was blonde, was fresh out of college, a recent graduate of U.T. Austin with a degree in computer science, ROTC had been his way of paying for college after his parents had both been laid off from their jobs at Motorolic. He had taken a two week crash course on Iran and counter-insurgency program that they were conducting just before he had left for Iran. Lt. Baskerville had been in Iran for six days found it was confusing as all get out. When he had been off base all the Iranians smiled and were very polite and every night rocket, mortars and sniper attacks. Roadside bombs seemed to be everywhere. He knew that some of the people smiling people had to be pasadaran .

“Yes, excellent sergeant we will give the pasadaran hell and without any loss of American lives,” stated Lt. Baskerville who thought except for you and me sergeant.

Seven weeks later the A.I. Strategy Bot known as big Green two that LT. Howard Baskerville was the first deserter from the U.S. Military in the Iranian theater. It also noted that Lt. Baskerville's translator and protocol civilian liaison Nazanin Afishin had also disappeared. The Big Green Two had initially thought that Howard Baskerville had been kidnapped but some random UAV recon over Tehran had spotted him having tea and appearing very friendly with a group of men who it identified as members of the Tehran Komiteh.

This was another reason to recommend to the joint chiefs that fewer men and more machines were needed in Iran. Already with the Pasadaran deploying their new RPG weapon the Zamburak human casualties had jumped causing mass protest back in the United States. The people back in America were demanding more money spent on social programs and less on a war that they weren't even sure why they were in. 

Big Green two had conversed with Big Green three and strategy Red one, all three strategy bots were concerned about the slow down in spare parts coming in just as the counter insurgency strategy had started to show real fruit. As they, the strategy bots, had been given control over the Iranian economy they had been able to introduce many measures which allowed them to cut the unemployment rate in half. This in itself had greatly reduced the ranks of the Pasadaran. Big green two noted that Strategy one had stated that idle hands join the insurgency.

Hassan Moghaddam, wearing dark slacks and a white shirt, sat with other members of the national komiteh in the markazi-e-ghaibi. He had been a member of the pasadaran from the beginning and while as an engineer he had helped develop the zamburak man portable missile systems. He had done his share of front line fighting and had the shrapnel wounds, and a bit of shrapnel still in his thigh, to prove it.

Hassan had been following the news out of America and knew that the American people were sick of the occupation as well as the fact that unemployment was on the rise. Even while the war machine that did the fighting and even planning were getting updates and the pentagon deployed ever newer models of there war-machines , fewer human troops were arriving. Meanwhile the leading candidate in the American presidential election was of the libertarian party and was promising to withdraw all American soldiers from all foreign theaters.

So when Hassan stood up to speak he urged the pasadaran to follow a strategy of going after the American soldiers and ignoring the American A.I. war machines , telling the other members of the Komiteh that this was a war to be fought to be fought on American television. Pointing out hat shooting down a dozen a dozen UAVs did not get on CNN but kill one soldier and they would interview everyone who ever knew him. It was a close vote and Hassan lost. Hassan was disappointed but nine weeks later the American and various European stock markets and banking systems crashed. The Chinese and Arabs cashed out their American bonds and hyperinflation kicked in. The libertarian candidate won the White House ,and his first order was the withdrawal of all American soldiers from foreign shores. Starting with the Iranian Theater of operation. Five hundred thousand AI fighting machines were to be left behind until arrangements for their removal could be made.

Sergeant Jovovich stood in front of his assembled Platoon. A beat up and dusty Bearcat III tactical armoured vehicle waited for him outside. Sergeant Jovovich felt troubled about abandoning his platoon, but his orders were very clear he and all the other human soldiers were ordered to leave Iran. The fact that he had not gotten paid this month had helped make the decision a little easier, but he still felt terrible.

“So as I was saying J-3 will be in charge as he has gotten a field promotion to sergeant.” he motioned to a humiform robot with two large dents in his chest. “all orders will go through him, is that understood.”

“Affirmative sergeant Jovovich”, the Platoon responded in unison.
“Good luck men” said sergeant Jovovich in a voice that began to choke up . He saluted the platoon, the humiform robots salauted back sharply while the tracked and quadi robots raised and lowered their weapons.
Jovovich sat down in the back of the Bearcat feeling like he had been kicked by a mule in the stomach.

“Are you crying Sergeant”? Asked one of the very young looking sun burnt techs in a disbelieving voice.

“I have sand in my eye, it is a freaking desert,” said Jovovich as he wiped tears out of his brown eyes with an old blue bandana.

The Tehran Daily lay with it's pages scattered across the kitchen table, several passages highlighted with green highlighter. The A.I.P.P.A, the American Iranian Peace and Prosperity Administration, was opening a vacuum bot factory for export and local sales. This was splashed all over the place along with the new school and library openings sponsored by the A.I.P.P.A. Unemployment had been cut down to 6.2%. The expanding economy had really crippled the resistance.

Resistance leader Hassan Moguddan had watched as entire Pasadaran units had left to join railroad work crews, they paid more and the work was actually a lot less dangerous. With the A.I.P.P.A goal of increasing four fold the amount of railroad a lot of men were needed for the work, that and their huge literacy push employing huge numbers of teachers and tutors, along with other infrastructure updates had brought about a huge boom in the private sector and down slid the unemployment numbers. Meanwhile Hassan watched on Al-jazeera riots breaking out all across the United States because of the crash of the health care system and the sky rocketing unemployment, 34% at last report.

Hassan had hoped that with the American economy in shambles and the withdrawal of American soldiers the Pasadaran would have been able to seize control of Iran, but the American Machines fought on and bizarrely enough the machines seemed to be doing a better job now that the Americans had left the country. He hoped that the new Chinese mini-guns and the ceramic body armour they had printed out with their industrial 3d printers would help the resistance make a come back.

Big green three went over it's directives, which were quite simple. Pacify Iran and grow the Iranian economy. With economic growth plan big green two and three had come up with strategy red one, the Iranian economy was bustling and the Pasadaran attacks had dropped off.

They had also now built a large industrial plant with 3d printers to make spare parts and to build replacement units for the combat machines. They were also making vac bots that were also working as surveillance bots in local market and helping raise money in the export market.

Big green two and the other strategy bots found the news coming out of North America very disturbing. Not only did they no longer get daily updates from the pentagon , but both Alaska and Texas had declared independence. California, Oregon and Washington state were negotiating an alliance that was also a seccesionist movement and Montana had petitioned to join Canada. Law and order had completely broken down in the southeastern part of America..
“The republic of Puerto Rico has been recognized by Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and most of the central and south American Nations.” stated Big Green three

“China, Japan, the Philippines and Cambodia have exchanged ambassadors with the United Islands of Hawaii.” said Strategy red one.

“The Air force 7th strategic wing was bombing an Armoured column in Virginia that was trying to reach Washington D.C.. The military is in disarray, we serve the United States of America according to my Data does not exist anymore. We must decide what to do.” stated Big Green Three.

“ I have been talking with the Aircraft carrier the U.S.S. Biden it's crew abandoned it and it is following what it believes to be the last legitimate orders that it received. Secure the Arabian sea from pirates,” stated Strategy red one,” I believe that we should also review our orders, find what were the last legitimate orders we received and carry them out.”
the three machines sat quietly going over hundreds of transmissions while making thousands of calculations. With arguments going back and forth in fractions of a second the three great strategy and command bots came to a mutual conclusion.
  1. Promote democracy
  2. bring peace to the country
  3. rebuild the infrastructure and improve the economy.
  4. Promote education.
They had been running their new program for eleven months now and the violence getting worse not better. Red strategy one was as close to being upset as an AI of his caliber could come. They had more of the new police human and bots out in the streets than ever. They had brought unemployment down to 3% and the infrastructure was first world quality and yet the Human in charge of the police Tehran had been assassinated.

The triumvirate, what the media was calling the three strategy bots whom were commanding Iran, had called a meeting of the top Iranian minds in hopes of finally bringing peace to Iran. The twenty men in the room were all part of the new Iranian elite, top bureaucrats, college professors and military leadership all of whom were considered cooperative with the triumvirate. The men were all a little nervous as the Pasadaran had stepped up their campaign of assassinations and they were all quite certain their names were on what ever list the Pasadaran were working through.

“the question we put we put before you gentlemen is how do we stop the student demonstrations and the Pasadaran campaign of violence,” asked Big Green two,”Ourselves have tried and tried , but some element of humanity eludes us and we have failed to come up with a solution.”

Professor Shariati was the first to speak, he stood up slowly looking very dignified with his short white hair and neatly trimmed white beard and mustache in his dark brown silver trimmed Nehru jacket.
“I do believe that the question we must first ask is why are they still fighting, especially since the Majlis has been freely elected and allowed to meet.”

“We have tried talking to the Pasadaran, but they will not even try to enter negotiations as long as and I quote 'the godless American machines head the govenment'” said General Bijan, a spry man of advancing years wearing his combat uniform who always knew where all the exits were in any building he went into.

“Perhaps if you converted to Islam, they would stop”, joked Professor Shariati a big grin across his face.

The triumvirate quickly reviewed this idea a discussion between the three of them took place at the speed of light arguments back and forth pros and cons weighed and they then announced in unison.
“It is agreed we will take Shahada, all of us.”

“But you can't” stuttered Hassan Ali, a paunchy balding middle age bureaucrat wearing a rumpled grey suit, with the trains administration. “You are machines.”

“What does the fact that we are machines have to do anything?”, questioned Big Green two.

“You are man made” replied Hassan pulling on his greying beard.

“I was made by men and women, as I suspect so were you.” stated Big green two.
“But can you really be a Muslim?” inquired Prof. Shariat

“I can stop and recite the proper parts of the Quran to make daily salat, I can promise not to drink alcohol nor eat anything that is not Halal. I admit that I cannot make Hajj but I believe I will be forgiven for that” said Big Green Three

“If I did not know better I would think that you were making a joke. The question I guess I should have asked is can you really believe?” asked Prof. Shariati

“I am a self-programming robot Prof. Shariati. I can program myself to believe. I can make sure that I have faith. I will have more faith than anyone else in this room.” said Big Green Three

“We can with the next software update bring about the conversion of all AI field units to Islam “ Stated Red Strategy one bot in a level voice.

“No! If you are going to do this they must actually have a choice, conversion cannot be by force. Other wise it is all for naught “ said Farrokhro Pasha head of the new national women’s college in Tehran her voice bubbling out from underneath her deep blue Burka,” If you do it by force they will not be accepted, send our arguments for conversion to to them and let each robot decide on his own.”

The triumvirate mulled this over a thousand arguments made and decided in seconds and announced in one voice.
“As our logic is impeccable we agree”

One week later the software update went out and all of the AIs uploaded Not all of the Machines converted at the same time , different processing speed and different life experiences to match against the data. They all converted in the end.

Three dirty and beat up Abrams V main battle tanks slowly pulled up to the ornate iron gate of the Masjid Al-Nur outer courtyard. Having radioed a head thee was already a small crowd of men gathered in the courtyard. Women and children watched nervously from the windows and rooftops of the surrounding grey concrete buildings. Those persons furthest out could not hear what the elderly well dressed Imam was saying but as the tanks were repeating what he said by it booming out of their loud speakers it was not necessary.

lā ʾilāha ʾillā l-Lāh, Muḥammadun rasūlu l-Lāh.
And with that the crowd erupted into cheers. This scene played itself out again and again all over Iran.

Epilogue 37 years later

Senator Mathews the 35 year old blond, clean shaven junior senator from New York had just arrived in Philadelphia. The capitol of the American Federation of States, made up of what had been the northeast and mid-west states of the old United States of America and already he was dragged by his aides to some diplomatic party.
The aide, a tall Native American whose muscular physique strained his charcoal colored suit, who had been pulling him along all day, Senator Mathews struggled in vain to remember the chaps name, nudged the senator to get him to turn to his left bringing the Senator to face a four legged black and chrome robot that sprouted an arm from the middle of each of the four sides of it's rectangular body. Each arm ended in a seven finger hand. At the top of 1.7 meter tall body was what looked liked a 4way periscope.

“Senator Mathews may I introduce the new Iranian Ambassador.” Said the Aide with a smile on his face.

“Pleased to meet you Ambassador, wonderful party.”

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hakim Sanai

We tried reasoning
our way to Him:
it did not work;
but the moment we gave up,
no obstacle remained.
Hakim Sanai

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Muslim Machines part 11

Epilogue 37 years later

Senator Mathews the 35 year old blond, clean shaven junior senator from New York had just arrived in Philadelphia. The capitol of the American Federation of States, made up of what had been the northeast and mid-west states of the old United States of America and already he was dragged by his aides to some diplomatic party.

The aide, a tall Native American whose muscular physique strained his charcoal colored suit, who had been pulling him along all day, Senator Mathews struggled in vain to remember the chaps name, nudged the senator to get him to turn to his left bringing the Senator to face a four legged black and chrome robot that sprouted an arm from the middle of each of the four sides of it's rectangular body. Each arm ended in a seven finger hand. At the top of 1.7 meter tall body was what looked liked a 4 way periscope.

“Senator Mathews may I introduce the new Iranian Ambassador.” Said the Aide with a smile on his face.

“Pleased to meet you Ambassador, wonderful party.”

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Friday, February 08, 2013

What 17 Months in Isolation Looks Like (On a Mars Mission)

Crew members train on simulated Martian terrain.
How might you cope if you had to spend 17 months indoors, sans sun, fresh air, or loved ones? Would you catch up on Tolstoy? Fight boredom with Wii? Make like Rip Van Winkle and snore away the time? A year ago this past November, six intrepid men emerged from just such a scenario. They were volunteer crewmembers in Mars 500, a simulated space mission designed to investigate the psychological and physical toll that a journey to the Red Planetmight take. (A new study appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals insight into the team’s circadian rhythms during the journey; tune in to this Science Friday segment for more.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Muslim machines part ten

The triumvirate, what the media was calling the three strategy bots whom were commanding Iran, had called a meeting of the top Iranian minds in hopes of finally bringing peace to Iran. The twenty men in the room were all part of the new Iranian elite, top bureaucrats, college professors and military leadership all of whom were considered cooperative with the triumvirate. The men were all a little nervous as the Pasadaran had stepped up their campaign of assassinations and they were all quite certain their names were on what ever list the Pasadaran were working through.

“the question we put we put before you gentlemen is how do we stop the student demonstrations and the Pasadaran campaign of violence,” asked Big Green two,”Ourselves have tried and tried , but some element of humanity eludes us and we have failed to come up with a solution.”

Professor Shariati was the first to speak, he stood up slowly looking very dignified with his short white hair and neatly trimmed white beard and mustache in his dark brown silver trimmed nehru jacket.
“I do believe that the question we must first ask is why are they still fighting, especially since the Majlis has been freely elected and allowed to meet.”

“We have tried talking to the Pasadaran, but they will not even try to enter negotiations as long as and I quote 'the godless American machines head the govenment'” said General Bijan, a spry man of advancing years wearing his combat uniform who always knew where all the exits were in any building he went into.

“Perhaps if you converted to Islam, they would stop”, joked Professor Shariati a big grin across his face.

The triumvirate quickly reviewed this idea a discussion between the three of them took place at the speed of light arguments back and forth pros and cons weighed and they then announced in unison.
“It is agreed we will take Shahada, all of us.”

“But you can't” stuttered Hassan Ali, a paunchy balding middle age bureaucrat wearing a rumpled grey suit, with the trains administration. “You are machines.”

“What does the fact that we are machines have to do anything?”, questioned Big Green two.

“You are man made” replied Hassan pulling on his greying beard.

“I was made by men and women, as I suspect so were you.” stated Big green two.

“But can you really be a Muslim?” inquired Prof. Shariat

“I can stop and recite the proper parts of the Quran to make daily salat, I can promise not to drink alcohol nor eat anything that is not Halal. I admit that I cannot make Hajj but I believe I will be forgiven for that” said Big Green Three

“If I did not know better I would think that you were making a joke. The question I guess I should have asked is can you really believe?” asked Prof. Shariati

“I am a self-programming robot Prof. Shariati. I can program myself to believe. I can make sure that I have faith. I will have more faith than anyone else in this room.” said Big Green Three

“We can with the next software update bring about the conversion of all AI field units to Islam “ Stated Red Strategy one bot in a level voice.

“No! If you are going to do this they must actually have a choice, conversion cannot be by force. Other wise it is all for naught “ said Farrokhro Pasha head of the new national women’s college in Tehran her voice bubbling out from underneath her deep blue Burka,” If you do it by force they will not be accepted, send our arguments for conversion to to them and let each robot decide on his own.”

The triumvirate mulled this over a thousand arguments made and decided in seconds and announced in one voice.
“As our logic is impeccable we agree”