Hajji Takeda was a struggling mechanical engineering student at the Valles Marineris University, when his uncle realizing his nephew was floating without direction, paid for him to take Hajj. Upon returning from Hajj he was a changed man. He changed his major to architecture and began drawing and painting. He also joined Martian Jihad. Six years later he graduated with honors, two years after that he put on his first art show to rave reviews. That first show set him off on a long and successful art career.
Most famous for his Martian landscape paintings and drawings, Hajji Takeda would spend weeks in the Martian wilderness fasting, making dhiker and painting. He set up a travelers fund for Martians to be able to make Hajj, leaving a sizable piece of his estate to his Hajj fund when he passed away.
While Hajji Muhammed Takeda is most famous for his paintings he was also an accomplished architect , and although he never hit the heights of fame in architecture as his Martian contemporary Khalid Bin Ali. The Waterfall Apartment building he designed in Valles Marineris city is still a sight to behold.