Monday, December 17, 2012

Islam and Science Fiction

My novel An Unpro­duc­tive Woman can be cat­e­go­rized as lit­er­ary or con­tem­po­rary fic­tion.  Some might even call it reli­gious fic­tion, though per­son­ally I would reject that term.  Over the past cou­ple of years my read­ing and writ­ing tastes and have changed.  I am cur­rently on my own lit­tle Hein­lein odyssey book tour.  I’m read­ing some of his ear­li­est works and re-enjoying some of his sto­ries that I’ve already read.  I’ve always loved SFF, but as a spec­ta­tor.  I’ve devel­oped an even greater inter­est and love for SFF and now, I am actively writ­ing in this genre.  As such, nat­u­rally, I’m inter­ested in find­ing other authors who, like me, are Mus­lim and who write SFF.  Guess how many there are?  No.  Don’t guess.  Just know that there are few.  Very few.

Sunday, December 02, 2012


 "Indeed the cure for ignorance is to ask." [Reported by Ahmed, Abu Daawood and Ibn Maajah. (Hasan)